How to Lead a Conversation (As The Learner)
If you want to show someone you value them, ask them to teach a subject they know well to an audience they know you respect. A great place to start is with them teaching you about themselves and their work.
Are You Performing for Your High-Performers?
Preparing to promote also means preparing to replace. Start with a strategy for transferring knowledge so you can promote high-performers and increase organizational capacity.
How Clear Job Descriptions Result in Unimpressive Resumes
There are differences between responsibilities and achievements — and both concepts are essential - when used appropriately - to scope, hire, and evaluate a role.
Recognizing the Hero's Journey In Your Team
Learn the concept of the Hero's Journey and how the investment of time is a powerful tool for recognition. Plus,ways to show gratitude.
Get a Two-Week Notice? Here’s What To Do
First, slow down. You’re doing fine. Second, don’t schedule an exit interview. In this post, learn a better approach to take after getting that notice.
Don't Let Your Specialists Specialize in Silos
How a team of specialists can create risky silos. Avoid the trap of equating specialization with an advanced degree—and three types of specialists.